Monday, April 27, 2020

Catching up

I think that I will just stick to right now...I have way too many things to try and catch up on...I just need to do better with posting.

Makayla turns 6 this year and Donny turns 14. Don and I will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary (and if you want to get technical we will celebrate 19 years together in May).

We are on a new learning curve right now and that is what brought me back to this. I have a little extra time and would love to get things written down. Yes, I have facebook...but I would love for this to be a journal and I would love to write more down. Not just have it in pictures. I grew up with a mom that wrote in a journal every day and she still has is great to be able to look back and say, this is what happened on this day 10 years ago...not just look at pictures.

So my next posts will start back with things from March. I will start back when this whole COVID-19 shutdown started. When the world stopped doing a lot of things...and I will post our pictures and thoughts from each I have a lot of writing ahead of me. And I think this will be for the best.

We are loving our family time right now and we are loving the memories that we are making. Soon there will be more memories made when summer hits!

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