Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Donny's Garden

So a few weeks ago, we planted some sunflower seeds.

We are going to track there growth thru pictures. And it has only been about three weeks and they are growing like crazy!!!

The seeds that we planted are for the giant sunflowers. They can get to like 12 feet tall. How crazy is that going to be in our yard? Really crazy...
This first group of pictures is from week one. I did plant a few more seeds (I had some leftover) so those are included in this as well.
Week one

Week Two
We are getting taller and taller....all of the rain and sunshine that we have had is doing wonders on these flowers

Week three will be on Sunday. I will be out there taking pictures of them again and we will see how tall they are by then.
I know that Donny is enjoying watching them grow...and yes he picked them out himself at the store.


Indian Lake Papa said...

sun Flower seeds grow fast - but not as fast as our kids. My son will be 40 --- aiii!

Sara Kinney said...

I love doing this with him...and it is so much fun to watch them grow!!

Indian Lake Papa said...

Oh sara - how time flies - enjoy life the way God planned it! :o)