Saturday, April 25, 2020

Spring 2018

Spring is coming and that means that we have a little girl getting ready to celebrate her birthday! 
Makayla Lynn is turning 4!! And this year she had an amazing party at Chuck E Cheese!
We invited her dance class and a lot of our friends/family and it turned out amazing! This little horse loving girl got lots of horses to play with!

With Makayla's party in the books, it meant that we had just enough time to get ready for big brothers party. He is turning 12! Hard to believe that.
 Donny had a small party with a few friends from school now that he is in middle school. Kinda tough to invite your entire class when you have 7 classes. This year he decided to go to Airway Lanes and play in the arcade. Afterwards we went to Olive Garden for lunch. These kids had a blast! And I am thankful that Donny has such a great group of friends!

Spring also brought us a birds nest on our porch. This was the first year that we had it and we had to be careful when we opened the door. Mama bird would surprise us sometimes and fly right out of that nest. It was such a neat thing to experience with the kids. 

Another amazing thing that we had the opportunity to do was to check out our neighbors horse. Love that we live in the country and have the space for this. Makayla loves horses and always has. And this was such a great experience for her. She cannot wait to ride the horses again!

 Lastly for spring, our neighbors gifted us their swing set!! And this little girl loves it!! It will for sure get played on for years to come!

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