April 14, 2009
Today we woke up to rain and storms. Not really something that we wanted to deal with again, but we did. We turned on the tv and just waited. We went thru another Tornado warning. I think that they were following us or something. Who has 4 tornado warnings while on vacation? I never have...and I really don't want to go thru that again.
So, yes we waited. We played cars, watched the radar and talked about what we wanted to do for the day. The original plan was to go over to the beach, but that didn't happen. It rained all day and that would have been a total waste of our time. But we will be going to the beach someday down there. Donny is still talking about that.
Around 11:30am we decided that we would go to the mall and then find the brazillian store that we liked. We can buy some of our favorite drink and maybe even some candy. And then we will decide what to do later...later. We just we
nt to the smaller mall in Orlando. I had never walked around the whole thing, but it is a pretty nice place. Had a lot of nice stores. The main store that we went to was the Ron Jon Surf Shop. We all ended up getting something from there. And Donny managed to come out with a new truck...yes a Ron Jon Suef Shop truck...crazy kid!
At the entrance to the store from the mall is this really cool car. Or as my son would say...look at that really sweet car. LOL This picture isn't the greatest, but it did look pretty sweet!
We ate lunch right there at the mall. At Subway. It was an interesting meal as they were running out of bread. And that just isn't a good thing to
do when it is lunch time and you seem to be really busy. But ya know...what do I know about that kind of stuff?? Not a whole lot...I just eat there. :-) Donny likes to eat there too...as long as it is a cheese sandwich. Nothing else...just cheese and bread. He LOVES it! And yes..he put a hole in his bread and he is looking at me thru the hole. I thought that it was pretty funny, as he has never done that before. And yes, he did manage to eat about half of the bread and all of the cheese.
After lunch we continued to walk around. We found a really cool John Deere tractor store...lots of little tractors that Donny would have loved to bring home. And we also found a store with a lot of the larger sized diecast cars in it. OH MY GOODNESS.....Donny wanted everything in that store. And yes he was naming the cars off one by one and I think that people were looking at him in amazement...like how does that little kid know what all of these cars are? I don't even know what all of the cars are....he still impresses me. And I hear it every day!
One of the larger stores in the mall is Outdoor World...Bass Pro Shops. Pretty neat
store...with a very large aquarium in the center of the store. We have course had to go and check it out. I tried to get pictures of the fish....but they didn't turn out the greatest. I did get this one of an albino catfish.....and I still cannot believe how massive it was. All of the fish in this tank were massive. Kinda creepy.
We also managed to find a penny smashing machine in there too. Donny now has 3 books full of these smased pennys and I don't think that it will stop there. He loves to see them and hold them. So I make sure to go with plenty of quarters and pennys....just in case.
And outside of the store in the mall, there were these really big 4-wheelers. He wanted to sit on one and we let him. He just loved that. I think that he loved everything about this day so far. He even got to walk around the mall like a big boy...no stroller at all. As we didn't even really think that we were going to be walking around the whole mall.
He is turning into such a big boy...where did my baby go? I can't believe that in just over a month you are going to be three. That isn't even possible...is it? Where did the years go?
We love you big boy!
Our last stop before leaving the mall would have been a place called Monkey Joe's (or something
like that). It was a room filled with all of these inflatable toys (kinda like our Jungle Joe's here in Kalamazoo). We didn't know if Donny would like it or not...but we figured we would give it a try. We didn't have anything else going on for the day and we really didn't want to go and sit in the hotel room with nothing to do. Not really a fun thing to do on vacation. But let me get back to telling you about the inflatable fun time.
Once Donny got used to it, he loved it. He even wanted to go on the inflatables that were for the older kids...we tried to convince him that he was too little for them. But that just didn't work out. We did let him try one, but he got stuck in it and he just didn't know what to do...Daddy was able to reach in and get him from the side though. He didn't go back to that jumper, but he did try to get to others that he wasn't supposed to be on.
I would have to say that his favorite was the on pictured here. It was the easiest for him to play
with and not get hurt from larger kids. It had a boat and a whale and a seal that they could sit on and jump. And he loved to sit on the whale and jump so much...that he fell off....and guess what. He would get right back up on there and do the same thing over and over and over again! He loved it! And I loved hearing him have fun!
And he was a really tired boy after this fun event...so to make a kid tired go let them jump on the jumpy things at Jungle Joes or something. It works!!!
And he was a really tired boy after this fun event...so to make a kid tired go let them jump on the jumpy things at Jungle Joes or something. It works!!!
So after a fun day at the mall..we are headed back to the hotel. Donny ended up with his Ron Jon Surf Shop truck and he loves it!
We had a great family day together. And even if it did rain on us...we are not going to let that ruin our vacation. We will do something that is still fun.
So here is to another wonderful day ahead of us.
Good night Orlando!
Nice family photos! Sounds like all is well! Stop by my blog!
God Bless!
Thank you so much
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