Where did 2008 go?? It by way too fast.
Many things happened this year to our family, some good...some not so good.
January was a good month. My husband got a new job..so this brought our family new opportunities. He was going to be traveling more, but we were ok with that.
February was a month that nothing good or bad happened. Don kept having to go to a customer up in Shelby, Mi and it was really cold. I was still working at the pet store and there was talk of me possibly quiting by summer to stay home with our son.
March...started out as a good month...ended as a not so good month. Don was still traveling and I was working full time. At this point I was beginning to train at work for a Management position. I was so excited for this. One Tuesday morning while I was bowling, I got a phone call saying that our store would be closing down in 10 days. I was devastated. I couldn't believe it. So as of March 28 SuperPetz was closed.

April...for the two weeks I was at work packing and emptying the store. It was so weird to be doing. After that, I did some job searching to come up with nothing. Don and I had decided that I could wait until fall to get a job and be a SAHM for the summer. What an awesome, awesome thing to do. Don was still traveling and there are now talks of him going to Spain. Crazy
May..A great month. Our son turned 2 this year. Where has the time gone?? He had a great Thomas the Train party and he got a big Thomas the Train bed...how cool is that. We also started our drag racing season back up. I am so happy that I was able to go to all of the races this month!!
June...Family vacation time. We went to Columbus, Ohio and to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for a week. We had a great week and Donny is such a good little traveler. He loves to go to hotels and he loves the pool!!! I am enjoying being a SAHM and I love being able to do whatever I want during the day!!
July...A tough month. Don was in Spain all month. With it being a six hour time difference (him being ahead of us) it was tough to know when we were going to talk to each other. We did have our web cams and that was good. We talked every day around 1pm (7pm Spain time)...I also ended up not falling asleep until about 2am...knowing that he was going to be online before he went to work..(between 6am and 8am) But we had a good month of going to the beach walking and being with friends.
August...Don came home and was home for a week before he had to go anywhere again. It was nice. Donny and I again had a great month going outside and playing. I must admit that we both got a pretty nice tan this year...thinking that we must try and keep it up and do that again next year!!! We had our racing this month too. Don did really well and we were sitting in the 5th or 6th spot by the end of the month. We only needed two really good races and we could be in 4th spot and able to go to finals!!!
September...Labor Day weekend we went to Grand Rapids and had a blast. We went to the zoo and tried to go to the beach. But we didn't want to park six miles away and have to walk. So we waited on that. We had a couple of races left and guess what?? DON MADE IT TO THE FINALS!!!! These were set for the last weekend in September and man was that a long weekend. Thursday thru Sunday. We didn't know how he was going to do seeing that he was going up with a car that he had never raced...his Mustang that he built the motor for...but hey go for it right?? We had a blast, spent all day up there and watched a lot of racing and did a lot of screaming!
And all of the screaming was worth it. My hubby finished 3rd!!!!! And truthfully, he finished 1st in the street class for Martin because he was the only street car left from our track!!!!
Way to go Don!!
September also brought me a new job. I am now a teachers assistant at our church's daycare. I am sooo happy to be back with children. I think that that is what I am supposed to be doing no matter what. And I love it.

October...Fall...It is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Oh but wait a minute. Did I just hear that we are supposed to have 70 degree weather the second weekend of the month!?!?! That is so unbelieveable, but we will take it. And guess what we did, we went to the beach!!! Yes, we took Donny to see Lake Michigan for the first time. And he loved it. He loved sitting in the sand and playing with it. He loved seeing all of the big boats. And I loved being a family and having fun.
October...Fall...It is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Oh but wait a minute. Did I just hear that we are supposed to have 70 degree weather the second weekend of the month!?!?! That is so unbelieveable, but we will take it. And guess what we did, we went to the beach!!! Yes, we took Donny to see Lake Michigan for the first time. And he loved it. He loved sitting in the sand and playing with it. He loved seeing all of the big boats. And I loved being a family and having fun.
Halloween came along and Donny was our little bumble bee. I got the costume off of Craigslist and I was so happy that I did. It was free and it looks brand new!!! When we went Trick or Treating on Halloween, it was about 60 degrees out, it was awesome!!!
November...A time to be thankful. We are very thankful that we both have a job and that we have a family that is so willing to help us out when we need it. We are also thankful that we got to go to Chicago for Thanksgiving. That was such a nice little trip away for us and it was a nice time with family.
It is also a very hard time of year for me also. December 8th marked that 9 year anniversary of my Daddy passing away. I cannot believe that it has been 9 years. Where has the time gone? And I still miss him like crazy, actually I miss him more and more every day. I am always thinking about how much he would have loved his little Grandson. And I know that he is watching over all of us every single day of the year....I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!
But on a better note, we did go to an awesome party on New Year's Eve. We went to my Sister-in-laws house for a party. It was small, but that was ok. It was fun to get out. Thanks for a great time everyone!!
So here it is New Year's Day....And here is to hoping that this year is awesome and filled with many memories.
It was also my birthday...I turned 25 this year. Wow...25..that is half way to 50...AGHHHHHHH....LOL...No, I had a great birthday, even if my husband wasn't home. He did send me flowers though and that was the best present.
December...Already?? Where did the year go. It is now time to think about Christmas and all of the gifts that need to be bought and wrapped. And a time to be with family and celebrate the real reason for the Christmas season...the birth of Jesus.
And my year ended on a sad note for me. On Christmas Eve I found out that my kitty that I have had since I was 1o had passed away. I loved that cat so much. That was my Rufis. I will always have the memories though and I will never forget them. He was my cat and I don't think that any other cat can replace him. There will be a new cat at my mom's house someday which is a good thing, but it won't be Rufis. We will miss you Rufis and all of the silly things that you did.
I tried not to let anything ruin Christmas though. And everything turned out great. We all got what we wanted and then some. Donny loved everything and I must admit, Santa is one awesome guy. He knows my son way to well...Thanks Santa!!
Happy New Year!!!
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