Well, on Saturday we got a lot of snow. We had a Winter Storm Warning all day long and man did it snow.
I went to the craft show at Wings Stadium and it was snowy and cold when we went in. But it was really snowy and cold when we came out.
I was lucky enough to get Donny's snowpants about a week and a half ago...was I lucky or what. Now he loves to go outside and walk in the snow!! He even has Spiderman boots that light up. He picked those out himself. :-)
This was when we were leaving to go out for the evening. Donny wanted to walk in the snow so bad...so I let him and of course I had to take a picture of it. :-)
Later that evening we went to Meijers. We had to do a little Christmas shopping and plus we needed to get something for dinner. It was quite fun doing our shopping. I kept ditching my cart somewhere and my son kept wondering where it was. I finally got everything that I needed and went and checked out. I had to take all of the Christmas presents that I just bought to the truck. It was not snowing that bad so I thought that we were fine to go and get some dinner afterwards. I headed back inside, because we had to get milk and a few other groceries. We checked out and headed for the truck...OH MY GOODNESS!!! It was snowing soooo hard..it was crazy. I mean it was blowing and snowing and everything. We started to leave and it was white out conditions.
It snowed like this for about two hours, if not a little longer. But it was very pretty. We love the snow. We can't wait to get out and play in it.
After we got home I decided that I would take some pictures of the snow.
So here is my husbands car buried in the snow. It has been sitting there now for about two
weeks. And I am sure that it is going to be sitting there for a few more. I do know how to drive it (yes, I learned how to drive a stick shift vehicle) but, I am just not comfortable driving it in the winter. I hate driving it in the rain...I can just imagine that I would really hate driving it in the snow. So, it might just have to wait til Spring!!! I have the Tahoe to drive and I love it. I never thought that I could like such a big truck, but I do. Also, I may even be racing this little red car next year at Martin, so be prepared...I may just kick your butt!!
I have always liked taking pictures showing how deep the snow is. Well, my husband decided
that he was going to help in the driveway by driving back and forth and packing the snow down. Well, he got everything, but he did leave a spot and I was able to show everyone how deep the snow was. I would say that by Saturday evening we had a good 10-12 inches of snow on the ground. And it all came sooo fast.
I love winter...It is very pretty. I just don't like driving on the icy roads.
So, we got up and went to church on Sunday and everything was covered in snow. It was beautiful. But the forecast was that it was going to start getting warmer and there was a chance of freezing rain. Another part of winter that I don't like.
I love winter...It is very pretty. I just don't like driving on the icy roads.
So, we got up and went to church on Sunday and everything was covered in snow. It was beautiful. But the forecast was that it was going to start getting warmer and there was a chance of freezing rain. Another part of winter that I don't like.
On Sunday, we were able to go the whole day with no advisories, watches or warnings. But when I woke up Monday morning, we had a Freezing rain advisory. Just what I needed on a busy day. I had school, jazzercise, a drs appointment and our Christmas dinner for work last night. The whole day was going good and it started to snow around 3pm. Then it stopped. By last night when I had to go into Portage, it was already up to 32 degrees. And the roads were wet and it was starting to rain. :-( There goes all of our snow. Now here it is Tuesday, and it has been raining for most of the day. Not exactly what I wanted to see in December, but what can you do. We live in Michigan. And one day it could be 80 degrees and the next it could be snowing and 10 degrees.
So now we sit and wait. Wait to see when it will snow again. I don't think that it will be today. But when it does come, I can tell you that we are going to be going outside and playing in it. Donny can't wait. And to tell you the truth, neither can I.
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