Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do! I cannot believe that it has really been this long since I have written on here. A lot has happened since I last posted. I guess that could be why I haven't posted. I have been busy.
I am still working full time and so is Donny. We are both on first shift and loving it. We can be a family in the evening and have the full weekend as a family.
In January of 2013 we bought our first house! It is still a work in progress but we are getting there. I still have things that are in boxes, but I also have been getting rid of a lot of stuff!!! That is a good feeling. We have an acre of land and love it. We have been able to take full advantage of that as well!

In September of 2013 we found out that we were expecting. What a shock to all of us, but we were happy with it. Little Donny was really excited that he was going to get to be a big brother. And he couldn't wait to find out what we were having. We found out in December of 2013 that we were having a little girl. He was super happy about that! As were we. It was time to start buying lots of pink things!!! Our little girl was due May 5th, 2014. And her name would be Makayla Lynn. I continued to work thru my whole pregnancy. I actually worked on her due date. Just for a couple of hours in the morning, but I still worked. I woke up at 3am on May 6th to contractions, I was in labor. We took Donny to his grandparents house and we headed up to the hospital. We were admitted at 7:30am, Miss Makayla Lynn entered the world at 3:08pm. And she was very alert. And we all fell in love. Her big brother did not want to let go of her. He was in love and we all could see it. So we are now a family of 4 and we wouldn't change it for the w

orld. Sometimes it does sound weird to say I have 2 kids, but for 8years it was just our little man.

I will finish off this post by saying, I cannot wait to update you all on other things. I have s

ome awesome pictures that we took on vacation last year and they are updated pics of the kiddos. SO please keep your eyes open, as I will be writing another post within the next couple of days. And I promise, I won't go another three years without a post. That is way too long!