This month also brought out the trains at the old schoolhouse here in Vicksburg. He lov
ed watching the train. We stopped at the school twice this month. It is very neat to see...a train set up with a town all around it. He loved it and he kept telling me he wanted one. He also wanted the street to go with it and the cars...and the buildings. I didn't think that we would be able to do all of that, but I said we'll see. =)
Can you tell that he is just as happy as can be to be watching the train? This was a Saturday that Daddy couldn't be with us, but oh man did Donny tell him all about it. It was great to see his expressions when he talked about the train. He loves them!
We were also very busy this month with church. We had the children's Christmas program and
we had the Christmas cafe. Donny was in both. He did awesome and I am so happy that he is involved with the children's program at church. Now that he is old enough he is going to have a lot of fun! For the children's program, the 2's and 3's performed Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. I had to actually teach Donny this song (as he had no idea what it was) and he did awesome!!! I think that he may have been the only one to do the motions!! We were so proud of him and he loved it...he didn't want to come off of the stage that night, as he kept asking when he got to go back up. He is going to be a little performer I
bet..loves all of that attention for being so dog gone cute! At the Christmas Cafe, they did a song about Baby Jesus. Donny was more interested in making noise on the stage this time but he was still cute. He didn't want to hold the baby doll, as that is a girls toy...he didn't say that out loud there, but he would have at home. HaHa...but he did manage to wave at us and just be cute. He does so well with all of the kids in his class and I am so happy for that. He loves it and he talks about his friends from church quite often.
Now it is Christmas, how is it already Christmas? We just had Christmas didn't we? Well, all of the presents are wrapped and ready for the tree...we have visited Santa, so we will see how good Donny has been this year. To us, he has been awesome...he has his times, but he is 3 years old. We love him so much! He is the best thing that has happened to me and my hubby...we are so
proud of him!
On Christmas Eve, he received his normal gift...a pair of new jammies from Mommy and Daddy. He loved them...he was hugging them and telling us how soft they were. He them proceeded to want to put them on, even though we were going to Bronson Park. I said ok and you will be warm. We then went to Bronson Park and walked around. Saw the nativity and everything else that is there. Even the big candy canes! When we got home, we got ready to go to bed...I think that he finally fell asleep around 11pm...he was so excited he couldn't contain himself.
On Christmas Eve, he received his normal gift...a pair of new jammies from Mommy and Daddy. He loved them...he was hugging them and telling us how soft they were. He them proceeded to want to put them on, even though we were going to Bronson Park. I said ok and you will be warm. We then went to Bronson Park and walked around. Saw the nativity and everything else that is there. Even the big candy canes! When we got home, we got ready to go to bed...I think that he finally fell asleep around 11pm...he was so excited he couldn't contain himself.
So we finally got to bed and when we woke up, he was so excited to see that Santa had come and that the living room was full of presents! He was ready to get into them...we couldn't not let he started to rip them open. He got a lot of awesome toys...everything that he said he wanted that. Just to list a few things, large sidewalk chalk, a lightning mcqueen toy, movies about trains and auto b good dvd's...and the best present of all that he got was his train...Santa brought him the Pennsylavania railroad...he wanted to open that box up right in the living room...but we couldn't let him do that. He had to learn the rules to having a train first and then he got to go downstairs to help set it up. He was so excited as you can tell in the picture of him and one of the cars from the train set. I would say that he had a great Christmas and got everything that he wanted. Now he is ready for next Christmas because he gets more presents. I said but you have a birthday coming up in May and you get presents at your birthday then he was excited for his birthday too.
Another thing that was marked this December was the passing of my has it been 10 years Daddy? I cannot believe that..10 years this month that you have been gone. I miss you more every day...I love you Daddy!