I am sooo behind, but I want to get these pictures and updates up...I don't not want to have this on here.
So here we are into October already. Where has the year gone? We are a very busy family, but we are having fun every minute.
This month brought Halloween and that meant that we needed to figure out what Donny was going to be. We got a catalog in the mail...and he picked the UPS man. I don't know why, but that is what he wanted. And of course only my son would say, well...I need a truck to drive too. We were going to make his wagon into a UPS truck..but that never happened...and he was ok with that.
But he was just stinkin adorable in his outfit...and everywhere that we went, he was the only UPS guy!!!! LOVED IT!
This month also brought the pumpkin patch...we just love going. The only thing is, this year we

went a little late and so the good pumpkins were very scarce. But we did manage to find a couple of good ones. And I still cannot believe how busy the pumpkin patch is every year we go. It seems like it gets busier every year...I am sure it does!
Here are my boys with the pumpkin that Donny picked out. I love this picture. My boys...I love them so much. And look at my little man, he is all grown up. Where has the time gone? Wasn't just yesterday that we brought our little baby to the pumpkin patch? Crazy how time flies when you are having fun!
This month also brought some nice weather for us. We got to play outside a lot of days before I went into work. And one day I decided to take the camera outside with us. We have a little boy on our hands that just loves to have his picture taken...and I
love that.
This picture was taken in our front yard and I then took it and made it black and white on our computer. I love that I am able to do this, as it makes pictures look AWESOME!!! I am hoping to do this again in the fall with some different colors. But that blue was great for him!
There are times that I don't get the best smile or he sticks his tongue out at me...but sometimes those are great pictures as well. That shows his personality. And he is one very silly little boy...he gets that from his Daddy. :-)

And we also had plenty of playdates with Donny's best friend Kylee....they are soooo cute together. And I love that they are best friends!!! Don't they make a cute couple??? They are growing up way too fast...I can't believe that next spring (2011) we will be registering Donny for kindergartin....that can't be possible....WOW is all that I can say to that.
October was a great month...let's hope that November is great as well...